Law to promote National Cement Industry

On July 18, 2019, the State, as a prority and in its role to direct, incentivise and promote the industrialization of natural resources within the national territory, passed Law 1203 (“Law”).

The Law, declares of public interest the use of Portland and/or Pozzolanic Cement with Clinker 100% of national origin for the construction of civil, productive and social infrastructure works, as well as the supplementary infrastructure and its maintenance.

The civil, productive and social infrastructure works, as well as the supplementary infrastructure and its maintenance, must be properly planned, programmed, budgeted and executed by the public entities at the central level of the State, Autonomous Departmental Governments, Municipal Governments, Regional and Indigenous Native Governments, through the use of Portland Cement and/or Pozolánico with Clinker 100% of national origin, which holds the National Production Certification issued by the Ministry of Productive Development and Plural Economy.

Prior to the passing of this Law, the Autonomous Departmental Governments, Municipal Governments, Regional and Native Indigenous Governments, that operate their own asphalt plants, whether at a stage of implementation or operation, shall be allowed to continue to use flexible pavement for road infrastructure works, for the duration of the plants service life, provided, however, these are in operation.

