Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Guide

This project is completed and live covering over 90 jurisdictions (including US states) across our member firms and on the international enforcement of foreign judgements is, so far as we know, more comprehensive in the jurisdictions it covers than any other similar project.

The guides which have been provided across our member firms are in two parts namely:
– the fundamental principles of recognition and enforcement of a Foreign Judgement in each members’ jurisdiction, and secondly;
– how to apply for interim and precautionary measures in each participating members jurisdiction.

The project is an extremely useful tool and with the assistance of the Multilaw Global Office is to have a social media launch. In this regard please promote these guides internally within your firms and externally via LinkedIn, Twitter etc. as applicable. Indeed, should you have a query from a client as to enforcing a judgement in a foreign jurisdiction this tool should be your first place of reference!

