Opportunity in Bolivia: Lithium Project Development

On January 26, 2024, the Bolivian Lithium Deposits Corporation (“YLB”) initiated its Second Call under the Bolivian Evaporitic Resources Industrialization Project, titled “Call for Expressions of Interest in Project Development and Technology for the Utilization of Evaporitic Resources. This encompasses lithium and potassium among other non-metallic resources found in Bolivia’s vast salt flats.

YLB’s CEO stated that the main goal of the Call is “to partner with the most committed companies… offering the best technological solutions for the state to make informed decisions.

General Overview

Unlike the 2021 International Tender for Lithium Extraction by YLB (“the EDL Tender”), this Call is specifically aimed at piloting projects across seven Bolivian salt flats and will explore the entire lithium production chain.

The Call will unfold in five phases:

  • initial submission of administrative and technical documents,
  • formulation of the project proposal,
  • demonstration of financial capabilities, thorough evaluation of submitted proposals, and
  • final negotiations leading to the signing of agreements.

Who Can Apply?

Experience Required: Your company must have executed or is currently executing at least one pilot or industrial project involving evaporitic resources in the last 5 years.

– Expertise on Board: The executive and managerial staff working on the project should have over 10 years of experience in related fields.

Technology Ownership: Documentation proving ownership or usage rights is necessary if your project involves proprietary technology.

Application Process Overview

– Phase I: Companies interested in the call must submit an Expression of Interest to YLB within 40 days, including basic company information, proof of past evaporitic projects, and professional experience of key staff.

– Phase II:  Qualified companies are given 52 days to present their project proposals, aligning with the call’s objectives and AACE standards. This includes potential site visits to the salt flats for a better understanding of the project environment.

– Phase III: Demonstrate your company’s financial stability by presenting audited financial statements and obtaining a minimum A3 risk rating from a recognized rating agency, showcasing your ability to fund and sustain the proposed project.

– Phase IV: Undergo a meticulous evaluation of your project proposal by YLB’s expert panel, focusing on innovation, sustainability, and alignment with the call’s objectives. Receive feedback and recommendations for any necessary adjustments.

– Phase V: Engage in negotiations with YLB to finalize the terms and conditions of the project agreement. Successful negotiations will lead to the official signing of the agreement, marking the commencement of your project’s execution phase.

Evaluation and Selection

– Compliance Check: YLB will review submissions for compliance using a straightforward “meets/does not meet” criteria, ensuring transparency and fairness.

– Proposal Evaluation: Submitted projects undergo thorough evaluation against set standards, focusing on innovation, feasibility, and alignment with project goals.

– Financial Capability: Demonstrating your financial strength with audited financial statements and a minimum A3 risk rating is crucial in the final stages.

Submission Details

– Digital vs. Physical: Choose your submission mode—email your documents to expresiones.interes@ylb.gob.bo or deliver them in person at YLB’s La Paz office.

Language and Organization: All documents must be in Spanish and properly indexed, ensuring they are easy to review and assess.

– Official Deadlines: Keep track of submission deadlines for each phase to ensure your application is considered timely.


Cesar Gonzalez - C.R. & F. Rojas Abogados

César González


(+591 – 2) 211 3165



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